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Bar Pot & Camping in Sandy Cavern - 01 Jan 2007

Monday January 1st 2007

Members present: Chris Ward,  Chuck Holder,  Imogen Shepherd,  James Gregory,  Kevin Francis

Report by Kevin Francis

I agree pretty much completely with Chris and had written a seemingly identical list of lessons learnt at work yesterday ready to post! I don't really see the point in putting it here now. The crucial point is basically everyone should pack lightly and bring small items, not the large, awkward (and cold?) club sleeping bags. Whilst we did take some large unnecessary items, it was fun to have them. James descending with the stereo loud was great! The champagne was a nice touch and the wine suprisingly good (though Chris, I ripped a dry bag on the way out, I think we easily would have punctured a full cheap wine sack, the box was good!)

One thing I would say is whilst the spare undersuits were perhaps unnecessary, warm dry clothes for the night is still a good idea. (I slept in socks, legs of undersuit (the top was too warm) and a thermal vest)

The tarp I feel was useful to take, it was light, possibly a tad too large, but kept everything clean. We also took a full club first aid kit. In retrospect a smaller, trimmed down version would have been better, with a larger one either on surface or back at the car.

Also, leaving water near the tops of tacklesacks is a good idea!

Cooking, I think we were a little too lazy to cook in the evening and this left us hurried on the morning. We should have forced ourselves to cook in the eve! We should also have left a later call out, 11 would have been more sensible.

Finally, don't bet on who is going to make a cave burritto first. I think our collective will not to go first caused everyone to hold it in...

This was fun, glad I did it, now I don't think I will be persuaded to go again (except for Daren...)