Recent reports

County Pot - 01 Feb 2009

Sunday February 1st 2009

Members present: Alastair Gott,  Andrew Vick,  Chad B,  George Bunyan,  Mark Sims

Report by Alastair Gott

great cave tried to write big thing about it but timed out so
-don't forget map
-3rd turning on right missing confusion corner
-great 2nd cave

go from bull pot farm through the gate and up the hill on the metaled road to the top through the field for a while till you get to a sharp drop where the river used to flow at the bottm should be stones, go through the makeshift style in the barbed wire on the left, follow the rocks on the left and get to a manhole cover, your entrance.

go down a section of free climb, wind down the passage till you get to a resting place at a corner, looks like you have two options but only one because both lead to the same place, round this left hand bend is a decent at the end of the passage.

wind down this passage at the bottom of the decent till you get to a drop on the right is a foot sling which you can put your left foot in to help you get down, lower yourself down into a wide underground river

get a bit confused now but its the bit where you find a passage over the other side of the cave and make sure you take the third exit on the right missing out confusion corner where we came out later.

this should lead into a chamber, from here i can't remember sorry :) :)

this was the second trip to county this weekend because mark forgot how to get out so after coming from lancaster had to get out of wretched rabbit instead of county.