Welcome to York...
York is birthplace and home of YUCPC, and capital of North Yorkshire, the county which boasts some of the biggest and best caves in Britain. These are dotted throughout our weekend playground, the Yorkshire Dales National Park, a beautiful rugged landscape of rolling hills, limestone escarpments, deep green valleys and picture postcard villages. On an equally important note are the endless traditional country pubs serving some of the finest real ales, and of course Inglesport Cafe, serving some of the yummiest and greasiest breakfasts in the land to get you in the mood for some caving!
We have been caving in the Yorkshire Dales for over thirty-five years, however, we also organize regular trips to the UK's other caving areas, including regular visits to the Peak District, South Wales and the Mendip Hills in Somerset. We also try not to neglect some of the lesser well known caving regions such as North Wales and the North Yorkshire Moors. Most of our Yorkshire Dales caving trips are centred on the beautiful village of Ingleton, famous for not only caving, but also many other outdoor pursuits.
We have expanded our membership in recent years, to include around thirty regular members active in the club: Large enough for there to be trips almost every weekend and a wealth of experience to run things smoothly, but not so large as to compromise our proud reputation as an extremely close and friendly group. We welcome anyone interested in trying out something different and exciting, no matter whether you have any prior experience!
If you're interested in caving with us, find more information on our fresher's page.
Expeditions & Discovery
Our exploration overseas has gone from strength to strength, including expeditions to the Picos de Europa in Spain, Greece, and to the Vercors in France during the 1990's. More recently however, we've had expeditions to Montenegro where several new discoveries have been made. And for those looking for some good honest caving outside of the UK, we've had several caving holidays, including Sardinia, Slovenia, Gouffre Berger in France, Ireland and Gibraltar. With on-going expeditions to Montenegro we're looking forward to some exciting overseas caving and exploration in the coming years.
Working closely with other local caving clubs (York Caving Club and the North Yorkshire Moors Caving Club), we have also been involved in more close-to-home cave exploration during 2007-2008, with the discovery of Excalibur Pot in the North Yorkshire Moors (Descent 202). Work is on-going by members of all three clubs and hopes are high for more discoveries in this little explored area of limestone only a stones-throw from the comfort of our campus bars!
You can find more information about past and future expeditions on our expeditions page.
We meet each week in the University sports centre for weekly training sessions (8.00pm to 10:00pm) every Wednesday & Thursday during term-time at the far end of the main sports hall. Here you can experience the thrill that is SRT training (going up and down ropes). Once we've had enough we move on to one of the campus bars from about 10:00pm to drink beer and plan the weekend's trips. This is in addition to regular socials, on and off campus that our social secretaries organise throughout the year.
Find out more about our training sessions on the training page.