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Jingling Sike Cave

Saturday February 1st 2025

Members present: Alfie Exall,  Erika Lang,  James Goldberg

Report by Alfie Exall

this day was pretty cool, james picked up me and erika from darlington and we went to morrisons or sainsburys, i can never remember.

befor the cave we had a fun piss about in this watery section and there was a little tunnel, and walking to the cave there was a fuck ton of sheep that followed us for ages, it was pretty cool

the cave itself was realy bad, easily the least pleasent trip ive ever don, the long wet crawl is just so long and wet and cold, while in that crawl we desided it was too shit and we should spin and leave, getting out of that crawl was slow as we got so cold we could almost not crawl anymore, when we got out the crawl we had an extreamly nessersery group hug to regain some warmth and then we left the rest of the cave.

but after we went to a cool castle and went to the pub and after a while the cave in my head atleast kinda became so bad that its actualy good, so make of that what u want

it was a very fun day