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The frog rescue

Saturday March 8th 2025

Members present: Alfie Exall,  Asher Goodwin,  Becky Davies,  Dylan Kocher,  Erika Lang,  Jacob Pollard

Report by Alfie Exall

the day started pretty cool, when we got to sell gill there was leeds uni caving club already there going down the dry route. we were doing a dry-goblin exchange so were going to be delayed a bit because of this, so we spent a bit of time at the top of sell gill chilling, but after a while I went to start rigging the wet route.

also on the wet route side of the exchange with me was Erika and Asher. when we got to the bottom Erika noticed a frog, he was pretty large I think, definatly way larger than any frog I've seen in a cave and he was fairly fat too, I'm baffeled as to how he survived falling down the whole wet route. we thought about what to do, we couldn't just take him to the surface as if we let him go near the top of sell gill he's either dry out as its hot and sunny or he'd go back in the stream that runs back into sell gill. he'd surly perish.

so we put him in Erika's mini tackle sack and I prussuked out of the wet route with him, when I got to the top, I left the frog (steven) by the entrance of the dry route and then I went back to rejoin the gang in the cave.

when I got back, the other gang from the other side of the exchange were down and we pissed about at the bottom of sell gill, it was pretty cool, some of us did that duck that I had never don before.

on my way out I was going up the dry route when i was graced by the preasence of the kendal caving club (the best caving club ever). They were using there imence skills and talent to do the sell gill dry route but desided to piss off and go to the pub because this cave was too full of people, but not before bragging to me about being part of the kendal caving club and then telling Dylan at the surface that I seemed like a fresher (if only I was as cool as they were)

when we got out we retrieved steven and took him to the car and released him by the river in Horton. successful frog rescue.

also frog in hungarian is béka