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Gentlewoman's Shaft (mine) - Ringing Rake Sough (mine)

Sunday October 14th 2012

Members present: Alastair Gott,  Kevin Francis,  Mandy Fu

Report by Kevin Francis

Mandy's written something very similar to what I had started writing!

A fun trip, the crystals are really cool, the ducks were less fun! Took a couple of mouthfuls of water as I spluttered through the first one and drenched the woolly hat I was trying to keep dry in my oversuit. I'd like to go back, perhaps from the playground side, and look at the other stuff that we had marched past on the way out.

There are is a PDMHS journal online that shows some of the mine we didn't see:,%20Old%20Jant

Also, the quarry near the shaft looked fun (it contained climbers) and seemed to have another entrance in it. Worth a look?

Other YUCPC reports on Gentlewoman's Shaft (mine)