Dismal Hill Cave - 29 Oct 2006
Sunday October 29th 2006
Members present: Laz Abbott
We thought this was the entrance to Old Ing Cave (to the left of the track, on the way to where Old Ing actually resides...).It comprises a tight bedding plane entrance (several spiders' webs accross the entrance!) in a 5 ft deep shakehole. After a couple of metres it opens out into a low crawl with a few inches of water in it. After about 6 meters, I reached a constricted pitch head. It was quite difficult to see the bottom 'cos it was quite tight but looked to be about 8-10 metres. It was probably just about free-climbable but there was a distinct lack of bolts or natural belay points!, and looked like it might be a one-way trip!
Eventually, I managed to turn round after backing up a bit, and exited. No one else seemed keen to give it a go!