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Manchester Hole / Goyden Pot - 04 Nov 2007

Sunday November 4th 2007

Members present: Adrian Turner,  Charlotte Collomb,  Imogen Shepherd,  Josh Vale,  Kevin Francis

Report by Kevin Francis

A very pleasing trip this one.

Despite my best efforts to play in the wrong sump, we found the connection to Bax Pot quite quickly. After leaving through this exit we re-entered the system and played in some quite horrible mud before discovering the true link to Goyden which had eluded me on trips in the past. Instead of getting lost in the maze of inlet passages in Goyden (we had no survey or description with us) we took a route out via what we found later to be Lesser Stream Pot. A quick run into the Goyden main entrance finished up the trip.

Other YUCPC reports on Manchester Hole