YUCPC Trip History

Here you can see the list of pretty much all the trips YUCPC members have been on over the years. Members can also submit reports which will hopefully help others to avoid problems or just for some inspiration! Use the filters below to view by year or cave.

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Trips & Reports 2006

Sunday January 15th 2006 Swinsto Hole Members: Adrian Turner,  Dominic Galliano,  Kevin Francis,  Matt Ewles

Adrian wrote...

What a trip! After spending about half an hour at the garage deciding what cave to do, we eventually left for the dales, at which point Andy decided to make several attempts on our lives with his overtaking skills :s After a hearty breakfast at Bernies, we eventually left for the cave. Parking proved to be a bit of a challenge however, with the nine seating ending up in at quite an angle. We had quite... read more

Matt wrote...

It was exactly as Ade tells it! :o :o :s :)

Sunday January 15th 2006 Simpson's Pot Members: Andrew Vick,  Andy Tricklebank,  Nicola Gover
Sunday January 8th 2006 Marble Steps Pot Members: Gary Douthwaite,  John Singleton,  Matt Ewles

Gary wrote...

Exceptionaly dry, even the sump was 2m lower than I've ever seen it. Super efficiant trip to the bottom via Guly and The Ninty even with 4 tackle sacks between the three of us! :p For future refereance 1 spit is requied for one of the climbs. Yey, we discovered the route that bypasses the second pitch in Gully route... so much quicker but not as much fun.

John wrote...

It was a very nice cave with no wet bits or much crawling. It was warm and dry throughout. The top of the "Ninety" pitch can be a bit tricky to get off but other than that I thought it was pretty straight forward. I used my new helmet/light for the first time and it was brill 8) no need to return to Bernies afterwards Yey :p

Matt wrote...

A great fun, nice long trip, and satisfying to make it to the bottom. Was nice to discover the shortcut avoiding the second pitch, though I went down the pitch anyway cos big dangly ropes are fun :-) though was rather nervewracking to derig! The dead sheep at the entrance was rather nasty, and I wasn't pleased about accidently dunking my tacklesack into it oops A great days caving! :)

Sunday January 8th 2006 Bull Pot Members: Holly Read,  Laura Bennett,  Oliver Bunting
Sunday January 8th 2006 Little Hull Pot Members: Andrew Vick,  Kevin Francis,  Matt Hobby,  Richard Gover
Monday January 2nd 2006 Rowten Pot Members: Holly Read,  James Karran,  Oliver Bunting,  Richard Gover

Oliver wrote...

A gentlemanly start saw us leave the container at 10, after a night on the good stuff. Rather a role reversal for me to be waking james up on the sofa! James rigged the cave in his usual style of grunts and confusion, and with a little bit of effort, we got to the bottom! This time however, i failed to have an attack of the "fear" Oh, and i got to do it all on shiny new gear! mmm, shiny!