YUCPC Trip History

Here you can see the list of pretty much all the trips YUCPC members have been on over the years. Members can also submit reports which will hopefully help others to avoid problems or just for some inspiration! Use the filters below to view by year or cave.

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Trips & Reports 2002

Friday December 13th 2002 Hurnell Moss Members: Andrew Gilmartin,  David Sproson,  James Gregory
Saturday December 7th 2002 Simpson's Pot Members: David Sproson,  Deborah Last,  Matt Hobby,  Natasha Durham
Saturday December 7th 2002 Swinsto Hole Members: Andrew Gilmartin,  Andy Tricklebank,  Holly Read,  James Gregory
Saturday November 23rd 2002 Rowten Pot Members: Andrew Gilmartin,  David Sproson,  James Gregory
Friday November 15th 2002 Jingling Pot Members: Andrew Gilmartin,  Dale Taylor,  Deborah Last,  Helen
Friday November 15th 2002 Bull Pot Members: Adrian Turner,  Holly Read,  Sean Eckesley
Friday November 15th 2002 Flood Entrance Members: David Sproson,  James Gregory,  Lucy M,  Natasha Durham
Friday November 15th 2002 Ireby Fell Cavern Members: John Camplin,  Julie King,  Richard Gover
Friday November 15th 2002 Rowten Pot Members: Dave Nightingale,  John Nesworthy
Friday November 15th 2002 Valley Entrance Members: Laz Abbott,  Sam Stratford,  Steph Booth
Saturday November 9th 2002 Bar Pot Members: David Sproson,  Holly Read,  James Gregory
Saturday November 9th 2002 Alum Pot to Dolly Tubs exchange Members: Adrian Turner,  Andy Tricklebank,  Matt Hobby,  Natasha Durham
Saturday November 2nd 2002 Jingling Pot Members: Adrian Turner,  Deborah Last
Saturday November 2nd 2002 Sunset Hole Members: David Sproson,  Holly Read,  Matt Hobby
Sunday October 27th 2002 Calf Holes to Browgill Members: Adrian Turner,  Andrew Gilmartin,  Dale Taylor,  James Gregory

Adrian wrote...

It was in flood, very wet, we didn't get far, but we got soaked.

Sunday October 27th 2002 Sell Gill Holes Members: Andrew Vick,  David Jenkins,  David Sproson,  Deborah Last,  Gemma ,  Matt Hobby,  Natasha Durham
Saturday October 19th 2002 Giants Hole Some other freshers etc, but not sure who Members: Andrew Gilmartin,  Andy Tricklebank,  David Sproson,  David Jenkins,  Deborah Last,  Helen ,  Holly Read,  James Gregory,  Lucy M,  Matt Hobby,  Steph Booth

Holly wrote...

This is the best freshers trip ever!! high hardcore rating cos it was my 1st trip + i was shattered, also top scumminess for the giants windpipe! but fantastic fun!

Sunday October 13th 2002 Long Churn Members: Adrian Turner,  Andrew Gilmartin,  Andy Tricklebank,  David Sproson,  Deborah Last,  Gemma ,  Helen ,  James Gregory,  Matt Hobby,  Natasha Durham,  Steve Gilbert
Sunday June 16th 2002 Vesper Pot Members: Andrew Gilmartin,  David Sproson,  Deborah Last,  James Gregory
Saturday May 25th 2002 Rowten Pot Members: Adrian Turner,  Deborah Last,  Julie King
Saturday May 25th 2002 Bar Pot yey! (apparently) Members: Andrew Gilmartin,  David Sproson,  Rob H
Saturday May 18th 2002 Vesper Pot Members: Adrian Turner,  Andrew Gilmartin,  James Gregory,  Steve Gilbert

Adrian wrote...

Jimmy G took one look at the entrance & said there's no way I'm going down there. I wish I had said the same! Evil entrance which took an absolute age on the way out. Rest of the cave just seemed a tad cramped. Oh an beware the steep hill on the way up, you slip, you will roll to the bottom.

James wrote...

After walking to the cave Steve pointed at a small square hole in the ground and so I thought "off we go" and dived head first into the tight entrance crawl. After a few metres I was somewhat stuck, and so I backed up a few metres and tried again. Unfortunately my brain then did some weird "aargh it's tight what the hell are you doing get me out of here" thing and refused to allow my body to take... read more

Saturday May 11th 2002 Stream Passage Pot Lets go caving by train! Members: Andrew Gilmartin,  David Sproson,  James Gregory

David wrote...

James G's report -- Stream passage - lets go caving by train! Sitting in Wentworth bar on the evening of Thursday 9th May no one who owned a car or old enough to get a hire car wanted to go caving at the weekend. In the past I'd suggested going caving by train, but people had always pointed to the unfeasability of lugging all one's personal gear and caving equipment and rigging gear from the station to a cave, in addition... read more

Sunday May 5th 2002 Ireby Fell Cavern Members: Andrew Gilmartin,  David Sproson,  Deborah Last,  James Gregory