YUCPC Trip History
Here you can see the list of pretty much all the trips YUCPC members have been on over the years. Members can also submit reports which will hopefully help others to avoid problems or just for some inspiration! Use the filters below to view by year or cave.
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Trips & Reports 2014
Sunday November 30th 2014
Cliff Force Cave
Members: Adrian Turner, Andrew Vick, Catherine Moody, Evan Cooper, Sarah Jefferys, Sophie Hentschel
Sunday November 30th 2014
Hagg Gill Pot
Members: Adam Walmsley, Andy Hurlbatt, Mark Sims, Mike Rippon, Nicole Lahiff, Sophie Beesley
Sunday November 30th 2014
Great Douk Cave
Members: Alistair Rollinson, Toby Buxton, Will Scott
Saturday November 29th 2014
Ibbeth Peril 1 (Aborted attempt)
Members: Adrian Turner, Andrew Vick, Catherine Moody, Christina Cartaciano, John Singleton, Nicole Lahiff, Sophie Beesley, Steven Spall
Saturday November 29th 2014
Langstroth Pot
Members: Adam Walmsley, Alistair Rollinson, Patrick Kelly, Sarah Jefferys
Saturday November 29th 2014
Pasture Gill Pot (Aborted)
Members: Adam Hughes, Andy Hurlbatt, Rachel Findlay, Sophie Hentschel, Will Scott
Saturday November 29th 2014
Hagg Gill Pot
Members: Julie Su, Kevin Francis, Linda Yu, Matthijs Bouwman, Robert Mothersole, Thomas Chatterjee
Saturday November 29th 2014
Yockenthwaite Pot
Members: Evan Cooper, Mark Sims, Toby Buxton, Vicky Bailey
Sunday November 23rd 2014
Notts Pot Centre to LH and vice versa
Members: Adam Walmsley, David Hooper, Fleur Janssen, Jelle Janssen, Mark Sims, Rachel Findlay, Sarah Jefferys, Will Scott
Friday November 21st 2014
Rowter Hole to the Party Sausage
Members: Adam Walmsley, George Bunyan, Kevin Francis, Vicky Bailey
Sunday November 16th 2014
Hunt Pot
Members: Alistair Rollinson, Sophie Hentschel, Will Scott
Sunday November 16th 2014
Brackenbottom Pot
Members: Kevin Francis, Kevin Francis, Vicky Bailey, Vicky Bailey
Saturday November 15th 2014
Marilyn Pot - Stream Passage Pot with a detour to the Blowhole
Members: Adam Walmsley, Andrew Vick, Catherine Moody
Saturday November 15th 2014
Stream Passage Pot - Bar Pot
Members: Aaron Clarke, Andrew Gilmartin, Binod limbu, David Willis, Matt Gosling, Ryan Baldwin, Sophie Hentschel, Vicky Bailey, Will Scott
Wednesday November 5th 2014
Alum Pot
Members: Alistair Rollinson, Josh Lye, Toby Buxton, Will Scott
Saturday November 1st 2014
Sell Gill Holes Exchange
Members: Fleur Janssen, Gary Douthwaite, Jelle Janssen, Matt Ewles, Will Scott
Saturday November 1st 2014
Notts 2
Members: Adam Walmsley, Kevin Francis, Laura Bennett, Sarah Pickering, Sophie Hentschel, Vicky Bailey, Wilson Tong
Sunday October 26th 2014
Link Pot
Members: Adam Walmsley, Chuck Holder, David Hooper, Luke Everill-taylor, Rachel Findlay, Sarah Jefferys
Sunday October 26th 2014
Aygill Caverns
Members: Alexander Al saroori, Julie Su, Linda Yu, Sophie Hentschel, Steven Spall, Will Scott
Sunday October 26th 2014
Wretched Rabbit To Monster Cavern
Members: Adrian Turner, Fleur Janssen, Jelle Janssen, Katharina Haspel, Matt Ewles
Sunday October 26th 2014
Top Sink
Members: Alistair Rollinson, Andy Hurlbatt, Dan Boothby, Josh Lye, Vicky Bailey
Saturday October 25th 2014
Bull Pot of the Witches
Members: Adam Hughes, Adrian Turner, Alexander Al saroori, Julie Su, Linda Yu, Steven Spall
Saturday October 25th 2014
Mistral Hole
Members: Adrian Turner, Alexander Al saroori, Julie Su, Linda Yu, Steven Spall
Saturday October 25th 2014
Lancaster Hole
Members: Andy Hurlbatt, Fleur Janssen, Jelle Janssen, Matt Ewles, Will Scott
Saturday October 25th 2014
Lancaster Hole Lancaster Hole round trip to Stake Pot via Wilf Taylor's Passage
Members: Adam Walmsley, Chuck Holder, David Hooper, Luke Everill-taylor, Rachel Findlay, Sophie Hentschel, Vicky Bailey
Saturday October 25th 2014
County Pot - Lancaster Hole
Members: Aaron Clarke, Alistair Rollinson, Dan Boothby, Gary Douthwaite, Josh Lye, Sarah Jefferys
Sunday October 19th 2014
Bar Pot
Members: Alistair Rollinson, Gary Douthwaite, Josh Lye, Matt Ewles, Nicole Lahiff, Sophie Beesley, Will Scott
Saturday October 18th 2014
Giants Hole
Members: Adrian Turner, Jelle Janssen, Julie Su, Kevin Francis, Linda Yu, Marco Jones, Sarah Jefferys, Vicky Bailey
Sunday October 12th 2014
Long Churn
Members: Andy Hurlbatt, David Willis, Gary Douthwaite, George Lloyd, Jenny Platts, Julie Su, Linda Yu, Matt Ewles, Nicole Lahiff, Robert Mothersole, Rowena Stone, Sophie Beesley, Steven Warden, Virginia maria Donadeo, Will Scott, Wilson Tong
Saturday October 11th 2014
Calf Holes to Browgill
Members: Alexander Al saroori, Alistair Rollinson, Dan Boothby, David Hooper, Fleur Janssen, Jelle Janssen, Josh Lye, Katharina Haspel, Kevin Francis, Laura Bennett, Mansi Nayyar, Vicky Bailey, Will Scott