YUCPC Trip History

Here you can see the list of pretty much all the trips YUCPC members have been on over the years. Members can also submit reports which will hopefully help others to avoid problems or just for some inspiration! Use the filters below to view by year or cave.

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Trips & Reports 2010

Thursday December 30th 2010 Nick Pot Members: Chad B,  Jennie Hill,  Marcus Roby,  Marion Holloway

Chad wrote...

Well, the plan was to do Vulcun route, however this seems be a less than sensible option after the Christmas food! A small hole in the grass to the left of Thornbers entrance marks Dawsons entrance. Once inside the entrance, a small crawl to the left leadd to Vulcun. It was narrow, it was then a the S-bend that I has thoughts about getting stuck. Once past this I saw the passage narrowing ahead - with a left hand bend at... read more

Sunday December 19th 2010 Marble Steps Pot Members: Lieke Oosterkamp,  Matt Gosling

Matt wrote...

On a cold winter day with snow covering the Northern hills that my heart calls home, Leika and I made our way up the fell towards the frost bitten trees that dress the aged brow of Marble Steps. The familiar view across England and out to the coast from here bore a steely grimace as the country felt the full grip of the almighty chill. Marble Steps Pot can drain a massive amount of water in wet weather but on... read more

1 photo by Matt...

Sunday December 12th 2010 Alum Pot Members: Jonathan Booth,  Karolis Miskinis,  Kevin Francis,  Mike Rippon,  Sam Briscoe,  Toby Buxton

Jonathan wrote...

we chose to do the North West route, which s a direct route straight down the overhanging wall of the shaft to the top of the final pitch in a glorious 70meter hang. Looking over the ledge the view was un-believable, after passing one the most thrilling rebelays the descent begins properly, soon the walls drop away and theres nowhere to hide from the gripping exposure. Descending through a spectacular jungle scene you leave the hanging gardens and continue down... read more

Sam wrote...

The Briscoe disco legs returned for this one

Mike wrote...

Yet another triumph in my mission to not do alum as many times as possible

4 photos by Jonathan...

Sunday December 12th 2010 Sell Gill Holes Members: Caitlin Brumby,  Chad B,  Luke Gardiner,  Marcus Roby,  Marion Holloway,  Mark Sims,  Steven Spall

Marion wrote...

I wasn\'t around for the less fun part, instead I ended up doing the top to the head of the traverse four times to keep warm. I think that equates to a caving trip?

Sunday December 12th 2010 Rowten Pot Members: Alexander Stelfox,  Christopher Jones,  Lieke Oosterkamp,  Louise Bell

Alexander wrote...

Hard 2 for having 2 tackle sacks on the way out :)

Sunday December 12th 2010 Aquamole Pot Members: Andrew Vick,  Andrew Gilmartin,  Catherine Moody,  Jeremy Mitchell
Saturday December 11th 2010 Yordas Cave Members: Adam Wilkinson,  Catherine Moody,  Jeremy Mitchell,  Jonathan Booth,  Karolis Miskinis

Jonathan wrote...

Rowten was full, as were most caves that we had ropes for so we made the walk of shame to Yordas but it was too wet so we explored the main chamber before wandering over to do Valley

Catherine wrote...

The tide marks in the main chamber were another example to show that snow melt really shouldn\'t be underestimated. There had been a 2-foot deep lake in there very recently. I\'d never actually been in Yordas before though so it was fun to have a brief explore, more so doing it in normal clothes. However I discovered that my non-caving wellies are really not very waterproof :(

Saturday December 11th 2010 Brown Hill Pot Members: Chad B,  Luke Gardiner,  Marcus Roby,  Marion Holloway

Chad wrote...

Brown Hill Pot claims another victim - who will next \'do a brown hill\'? ;)

Marion wrote...

awesome trip, definitely want to go back and get to the bottom!

Saturday December 11th 2010 Valley Entrance Members: Adam Wilkinson,  Catherine Moody,  Jeremy Mitchell,  Jonathan Booth,  Karolis Miskinis,  Mike Rippon,  Steven Spall

Catherine wrote...

Water levels were significantly higher than when I was in Valley Entrance 2 weeks before. Previously dry sections before the pitch now involved wading through (ice cold) crotch deep water. The Master Cave itself was certainly \"sporting\", and the tide marks and debris above head height confirm that it\'s definitely not a place you want to be when its in flood...

Mike wrote...

Well...at least we went caving :) Actually, it was kinda cool, although the stoopy entrance rivals the bar pot \"drunken stagger\" for discrimination against tall people

Saturday December 11th 2010 Yordas Cave Members: Luke Gardiner,  Marion Holloway

Marion wrote...

A chance for luke to beat up unsuspecting members of the public.... :p

Saturday December 11th 2010 Large Pot Members: Andrew Vick,  Caitlin Brumby,  Nicola Gover,  Toby Buxton
Saturday December 11th 2010 New Rift Pot Members: Christopher Jones,  Lieke Oosterkamp,  Mark Sims,  Matthijs Bouwman,  Sam Briscoe
Saturday November 27th 2010 Valley Entrance Members: Catherine Moody,  Mark Sims

Catherine wrote...

Typical CHECC faff, where both the team and cave changed several times through the day... After recruiting some lovely folk from Exeter (after being messed around something chronic by one of the other clubs), we headed off to Bull Pot Farm for a little jaunt round Wretched Rabbit, though got to the roman road to find it pretty hairy to say the least - the gritters clearly hadn\'t made it this far. We didnt even attempt to get up the hill... read more

Saturday November 27th 2010 Ireby Fell Cavern Members: Adam Walmsley,  Adam Wilkinson,  Caitlin Brumby,  Chad B,  Kevin Francis,  Laura Bennett,  Toby Buxton

Kevin wrote...

Sweet Trip. Our original plan had been for Marble Steps, but a group of 9 already in the cave put an end to that plan. Instead we reshuffled ropes and headed across the frozen ground for Ireby. We had split into 2 teams, to allow Chad time to rig, reaching the cave at around 1pm. When we got to the first traverse we found 2 ropes already in place. Chad raced ahead rigging, got to maybe the second or third pitch... read more

Caitlin wrote...

Would have been a 5 for fun, but I had the worst hangover ever.

Saturday November 27th 2010 Aquamole Pot Members: Alexander Stelfox,  Jose Kurian,  Lieke Oosterkamp,  Marcus Roby,  Matt Gosling

Alexander wrote...

My best trip down aquamole so far, good team spirit and a fun day out made it very enjoyable. Once again, I loved the bottom pitch, a classic.

Sunday November 21st 2010 Tatham Wife Hole Members: Chad B,  Chuck Holder,  Elena Maters,  Jose Kurian,  Marcus Roby,  Marion Holloway
Saturday November 20th 2010 Ireby Fell Cavern Members: Chad B,  Christopher Jones,  Jonathan Booth,  Matt Gosling,  Toby Buxton

Jonathan wrote...

A classic adventure trip, one of the best!

11 photos by Jonathan...

Wednesday November 17th 2010 Aquamole Pot Members: Lauren Ellis,  Nicola Gover,  Toby Buxton
Saturday November 13th 2010 Lancaster Hole - Wretched Rabbit Members: Chuck Holder,  Egidijus Jurkenas,  Karolis Miskinis,  Toby Buxton
Sunday November 7th 2010 Bull Pot of the Witches Members: Amie Varney,  Chuck Holder,  Luke Gardiner,  Marcus Roby,  Marion Holloway

17 photos by Chuck...

Sunday November 7th 2010 Sell Gill Holes Members: Adam Wilkinson,  Adrian Turner,  Andrew Vick,  Caitlin Brumby,  Catherine Moody,  Mark Sims,  Sam Briscoe,  Terry Leung,  Toby Buxton,  Tom Gregory

Catherine wrote...

Very nearly gained a faff 5 - only just missed out because we did actually get (part way) down Sell Gill - eventually! When we arrived the dry route already had 2 teams just about to descend, so we made the decision to walk up and do Calf Holes instead. After about 20 mins of walking, we met a cave rescue guy who asked where we were going and was shocked at my reply - apparently Calf Holes was 2... read more

Sam wrote...

For the people doing the wet route it was not as bad. We arrived at the cave quite quickly and after some confusion with other teams being down the dry route, we headed off down the wet route with me rigging. After some interesting swinging round corners and adam racing round a rock pillar :P we zoomed down. The whole rigging process was fun (even if i did winge and bitch alot :P). Overall it was effecient for us... read more

Saturday November 6th 2010 Pippikin Pot - Mistral Hole Members: Adam Wilkinson,  Caitlin Brumby,  Catherine Moody,  Toby Buxton
Saturday November 6th 2010 Cow Pot Members: Marcus Roby,  Marion Holloway,  Sam Briscoe
Saturday November 6th 2010 Bar Pot Members: Debbie Flowers,  Mark Sims
Sunday October 31st 2010 Small Mammal Pot - Flood Entrance Members: Adam Wilkinson,  Christina Cartaciano,  Christopher Jones,  George Bunyan,  Jonathan Booth,  Karim Shokraee,  Marcus Roby,  Matt Gosling,  Mike Rippon,  Steven Spall,  Toby Buxton

Matt wrote...


Christopher wrote...

greatest team of cavers acompanyed by drink, cake and fireworks ... what could possibly go wrong

Sunday October 31st 2010 Bar Pot Members: Adam Bosworth,  Caitlin Brumby,  Chuck Holder,  Egidijus Jurkenas,  Elena Maters,  Graeme Smith,  Karolis Miskinis,  Marion Holloway,  Mark Sims,  Martin Hasted
Sunday October 24th 2010 Wretched Rabbit Members: Benjamin Schoelzel,  Caitlin Brumby,  Chad B,  Chuck Holder,  David Terry,  Frances Smith,  Jess Acton,  John Cambell,  Kirstie Myatt,  Lieke Oosterkamp,  Marcus Roby,  Marion Holloway,  Mark Sims,  Matt Gosling,  Matthew Genn,  Sam Briscoe

Marion wrote...

faff 4 for not actually finding everyone else and going back to drink lots of tea :)

8 photos by Chuck...

Saturday October 23rd 2010 Giants Hole Members: Adam Wilkinson,  Cagla Stevenson,  Chuck Holder,  Elena Maters,  Emily Broadbent,  Gary Douthwaite,  Matt Ewles

27 photos by Chuck...

Saturday October 23rd 2010 County Pot Members: Andrew Vick,  Catherine Moody,  Jeremy Mitchell,  Jonathan Booth,  Lucia Linares,  Martin Hasted,  Toby Buxton,  Tom Gregory

Jonathan wrote...

County is definatly one of our better freshers\' tips, exciting streamways and waterfalls, fun little climbs and loads of potential to make it as long or short as desired, easilly laddered aswell. All the faff was, as usuall, on the surface.

Catherine wrote...

Immense faff both before and after the trip due to separate car-related incidents. With Andy having destroyed his headlights and so needing to drive back to York before it got dark, I was left as the only one who knew my way round County, and hence became trip leader by default. After we finally got underway, things went pretty smoothly. Rigging took a bit of time, as I had never rigged a ladder before so was kind of making it up... read more

Saturday October 23rd 2010 Mistral Hole Members: Adrian Turner,  Adrian Lee,  Chad B,  Chris Sherer,  Claire Reid,  Dominik Pinnington,  Laura Bennett,  Marcus Roby,  Marion Holloway,  Paula Jackson