YUCPC Trip History
Here you can see the list of pretty much all the trips YUCPC members have been on over the years. Members can also submit reports which will hopefully help others to avoid problems or just for some inspiration! Use the filters below to view by year or cave.
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Trips & Reports 2019
Tuesday March 19th 2019
Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top)
Members: Charles Thorpe-morgan, Joshua Young, Sam Dennison, Wayne Lack, Will Scott
Tuesday March 19th 2019
Powell’s Cave Litter Picking
Members: Charles Thorpe-morgan, Christopher Edgar, Jasmine Potts, Joshua Young, Ruby Williams, Sam Dennison, Wayne Lack
Tuesday March 19th 2019
Dan yr Ogof
Members: Jean-luc Heath, Joseph Smith
Tuesday March 19th 2019
Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top)
Members: Evan Cooper, Stuart Morris
Monday March 18th 2019
Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (Cwm Dwr)
Members: Joshua Young, Livvy Golby-kirk
Monday March 18th 2019
Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top)
Members: Christopher Edgar, Gary Douthwaite, Jean-luc Heath, Matt Ewles
Monday March 18th 2019
Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (Cwm Dwr)
Members: Jake Hotchin, Joseph Smith, Sam Dennison
Monday March 18th 2019
Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1 - Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (Cwm Dwr)
Members: Conor Morrison, Evan Cooper, Ruby Williams, Will Scott
Sunday March 17th 2019
Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top)
Members: Adrian Turner, Gary Douthwaite, Joshua Young, Matt Ewles
Sunday March 17th 2019
Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1 - With CUCC
Members: Evan Cooper
Sunday March 17th 2019
Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top)
Members: Christopher Edgar, Conor Morrison, Ruby Williams, Simon De la haye, Stuart Morris
Sunday March 17th 2019
Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1
Members: Charles Thorpe-morgan, Jasmine Potts, Livvy Golby-kirk, Sam Dennison, Wayne Lack
Saturday March 16th 2019
Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1
Members: Jean-luc Heath, Ruby Williams, Steph Batten
Saturday March 16th 2019
Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top)
Members: Christopher Edgar, Livvy Golby-kirk, Sam Dennison
Saturday March 16th 2019
Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top)
Members: Charles Thorpe-morgan, Jake Hotchin, Jasmine Potts, Joseph Smith, Wayne Lack
Saturday March 16th 2019
Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (Cwm Dwr)
Members: Evan Cooper, Simon De la haye
Saturday March 16th 2019
Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top)
Members: Adrian Turner, Gary Douthwaite, Josh Vale, Matt Ewles
Sunday March 3rd 2019
JH Over-Engine Mine
Members: Alastair Gott, Joseph Smith
Saturday March 2nd 2019
Titan Shaft - JH Over-Engine Mine
Members: Jean-luc Heath, Livvy Golby-kirk, Steph Batten, Stuart Morris
Saturday March 2nd 2019
JH Over-Engine Mine - Titan Shaft
Members: Conor Morrison, Joshua Young, Juliette Schleicher, Sam Dennison
Saturday March 2nd 2019
Peak Cavern
Members: Alastair Gott, Hannah Gotheridge, Jasmine Potts, Joseph Smith, Miles Armstrong, Rowan Patel, Ruby Williams, Wayne Lack
Sunday February 24th 2019
Alum Pot
Members: Adrian Turner, Christopher Edgar, Frida Abelsen
Sunday February 24th 2019
Ireby Fell Cavern
Members: Jasmine Potts, Joe Twigg, Joshua Young, Livvy Golby-kirk
Sunday February 24th 2019
Yordas Pot - Bull Pot - Simpson's - A kingsdale bonanza
Members: Jean-luc Heath, Joseph Smith, Juliette Schleicher, Sam Dennison
Sunday February 10th 2019
Lost John's Cave
Members: Jean-luc Heath, Joseph Smith, Livvy Golby-kirk, Steph Batten, Stuart Morris
Saturday February 9th 2019
Long Drop Cave
Members: Christopher Edgar, Conor Morrison, Joshua Young, Josie Wallace, Livvy Golby-kirk
Sunday February 3rd 2019
Cow Pot - A snowy adventure and a splash through the streamway
Members: Conor Morrison, Jean-luc Heath, Juliette Schleicher
Sunday January 27th 2019
Rowten Pot
Members: Jean-luc Heath, Sam Dennison, Steph Batten
Sunday January 27th 2019
Alum Pot
Members: Charles Thorpe-morgan, Joseph Smith, Wayne Lack
Saturday January 26th 2019
Sell Gill Holes
Members: Charles Thorpe-morgan, Conor Morrison, Jean-luc Heath, Joseph Smith, Sam Dennison, Steph Batten, Wayne Lack