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Prod's Pot - 21 Oct 2007

Sunday October 21st 2007

Members present: Gary Douthwaite,  Matt Ewles,  Nicola Gover,  Richard Gover

Report by Matt Ewles

A nasty cave! Make sure you go down the right one, as several peahangered holes are in the immediate vicinity. Prods in the small one against a rock face. The entrance pitch land immediately into a quickly descending tight rift with lots of sharp bits. The second pitch is quickly reached which is difficult to rig, as the peahangers are situated near the roof, above the shallow pit, and requires some interesting manouevers to get up there, and then return to floor level from where you make the take-off. From there, a series of horrible tight and short pitches follow, to eventually reach the narrown pitch leading down to the jammed block above the main streamway. Despite several attempts I didn't fit. I didn't want to fit anyway!

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