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Eldon Hole - 27th Jun 2009

Saturday June 27th 2009

Members present: Alexander Stelfox,  George Bunyan,  Imogen Shepherd,  Kevin Francis,  Louise Bell,  Matt Gosling,  Mike Rippon

Report by Kevin Francis

It looked a lot smaller from the top than I had expected but it just opened out into a lush green pot. that seemed to grow the further you go down. It was a pretty cool shaft with Jackdaws and a football at the bottom. I went down last after rescuing foolish lambs that watched to jump on Alex whilst he was rigging!

The crawl at the bottom was pretty minging and thankfully quite short, but it wasn't as bad as watching Imogen stamp on an animal carcass :s

Once inside the large chamber I checked out the formations whilst the others went up to Millers Chamber. I was still feeling the effects of the night before so opted for a nap. Once I could hear voices coming down the pitch I headed out and chilled out hanging in the main shaft.

I got out first and chatted to Matt and then had fun throwing sheep poo at those coming up the pitches. Good simple trip in glorious sun. Very laid back trip.