YUCPC Trip History

Here you can see the list of pretty much all the trips YUCPC members have been on over the years. Members can also submit reports which will hopefully help others to avoid problems or just for some inspiration! Use the filters below to view by year or cave.

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Trips & Reports 2012

Friday April 6th 2012 P8 / Jackpot Good Friday underground Members: Andy Hurlbatt,  Sophie Hentschel

Sophie wrote...

I thought it would be great to celebrate Easter 2012 in style – cavers’ style – and organised a weekend in Castleton with Andrew and a few good friends from ULSA: Ruth, John and Kristian. It was the first time for me to be responsible for the organisation of a whole caving weekend from accommodation to transport and permits, and one of the lessons I learnt was that delegating is the best part of it. So I entrusted Andrew with... read more

Sophie wrote...

very wet but very enjoyable

Friday April 6th 2012 Gaping Gill (Dihedral) Members: Chad B,  Toby Buxton
Sunday April 1st 2012 P8 / Jackpot Members: Alastair Gott,  Mandy Fu
Saturday March 24th 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1 Members: Alyssa Scott,  Sophie Hentschel,  Toby Buxton

Toby wrote...

Awesome seeing a real-life diver kitting up! The cylinders go under the arms, how about that? I guess that's the best place for them when you're swimming about. Watching Clive assembling all his strange bits of harness and elastic was, I reckon, a similar feeling to a fresher watching a caver donning SRT gear. Awesome! Also turns out dive cylinders are a bit heavy - 12ish kilos apparently. One on the back makes traversing Pluto's bath that little bit more interesting!... read more

Sophie wrote...

It was another fine day in the Welsh country side: perfect for some wet caving! For once we didn't have to walk up and down the rather steep hill to the cave entrance as Clive kindly drove us there - which was very helpful on the way back when carrying the diving gear. I have never seen a "real" cave diver and watching him getting ready made me realise how risky cave diving is. Otherwise you wouldn't need all the... read more

Friday March 23rd 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1 Members: Adrian Turner,  Alyssa Scott,  Kate Mason,  Matthijs Bouwman,  Toby Buxton
Thursday March 22nd 2012 Pant Mawr Members: Alexander Stelfox,  Alyssa Scott,  Jonathan Booth,  Kate Mason

Jonathan wrote...

No comment.

Alexander wrote...

No comment.

Kate wrote...


Thursday March 22nd 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1 Members: Chad B,  Mark Sims,  Toby Buxton

Toby wrote...

This was a really really brilliant trip. Just as varied as Top Sink-Bye George and possibly even more fun. Less grim as well! I'd recommend it to anyone with relatively decent caving fitness and a fairly good knowledge of OFD. At least take a survey so you can get out if it all goes wrong! We started off going up the streamway in 1 at a fairly good pace and into the connection. Here Mark took the lead as he was... read more

Mark wrote...

I won’t write about most of the trip here, since Toby’s described it so well. It was a brilliant way to fit all of OFD together and to provide a real appreciation of the scale of the place. I’ll pick up the story from Cwm Dwr on the way back… When we reached the Confluence I think we were all feeling pretty good. We had a chocolate bar or two each to top up the energy levels, plenty of water, and cracked... read more

Toby wrote...

Rescue stuff! After reading that I figured I'd put in something about my experience of the rescue for those who have never experienced one. Here's a bit of stuff about what it's like to be a runner. Most will know all this already, but when I was a fresher I didn't really know what would happen so here it is, just in case :p If you are caving in a three, and one has an accident that immobilises them, the two... read more

Sophie wrote...

Amen Toby :)

Thursday March 22nd 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1 Helping Clive with diving gear (which he didn't use in the end), and waterfall series. Members: Charlie Dixon,  Matthijs Bouwman
Wednesday March 21st 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1 Members: Caitlin Brumby,  Chad B,  Toby Buxton

Caitlin wrote...

Absolutely hilarious trip, loved it, thanks Chad + Toby :) Apart from going around Roundabout Chamber once more than needed, everything went to plan :) Chad's commentary definitely made the trip !

Wednesday March 21st 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1 Making a caving horror film and then round trip Members: Phillip Mcdermott,  Sophie Hentschel,  Thomas Chatterjee

Sophie wrote...

Having hatched evil plans for a trashy caving horror film with Phil, Tom, Julia and Alyssa, we decided to put the plans into practice on Wednesday and chose to film in OFD1. Julia and Alyssa didn't feel like doing it in the end, but Phil, Tom and Echo were motivated. So we shot our scenes within a few minutes; my tripping over my own feet whilst trying to hold the camera and about three more torches made the scenes look... read more

Wednesday March 21st 2012 Dan yr Ogof Members: Andrew Gilmartin,  Catherine Moody,  Mark Sims,  Steven Spall

Catherine wrote...

Climbing in a wetsuit is significantly more difficult than in normal caving gear! Ace trip. It was dry enough that we managed to get down into Mazeways - lots more lovely phreatic passageway :)

Tuesday March 20th 2012 Ogof Agen Allwedd Members: Alexander Stelfox,  Andrew Gilmartin,  Chad B,  Jonathan Booth,  Toby Buxton

Toby wrote...

Awesome trip. You only really need a survey for most of it, though a description is probably a necessity for the boulder chokes and finding the way through in a couple of places. The inner circle is not a much bigger trip. But the grand circle rather is, and involves going through 'deep water' - a section of streamway with neck deep water. Neck deep tends to be nostril deep for me so count me out. Highlights include: tempting Jonny through... read more

Jonathan wrote...

A good adventure but shocking in places. Not for the caver of larger dimensions, or anyone with a fear of bats.

Tuesday March 20th 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top) - Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (Cwm Dwr) Members: Alyssa Scott,  Caitlin Brumby,  Mark Sims,  Sophie Hentschel,  Steven Spall

Sophie wrote...

LOL a wet trip like this one is supposed to get full marks for scum= wet ^^ That doesn't mean that I didn't like it. On the contrary, I like any excuse for getting totally wet, and really had such a good time in the main stream. It was such a magic place, in particular Marble Shower Series which took my breath away. Wearing just the right amount of layers helped me to keep warm so that even prolonged stays... read more

Tuesday March 20th 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top) Members: Julia Stelfox,  Laura Ward,  Matthew Chubb,  Matthijs Bouwman,  Phillip Mcdermott,  Thomas Chatterjee
Monday March 19th 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1 via Crystal Pool Members: Caitlin Brumby,  Sophie Hentschel

Caitlin wrote...

A lovely trip with an unusually low level of testosterone. We did the round trip, but broke off before Lowe's passage to visit the Waterfall Series for a bit. We headed to Crystal pool chamber via the dry way and back via the wet way! Wish I had played around a bit more in that chamber as I am lead to believe there is some lovely stuff leading off from there... We weren't underground for long at all, so had... read more

Sophie wrote...

I agree, it was a very pleasant and efficient trip: minimum of faff (whilst getting ready and going to the cave, not instead of it ;)) It was my first time to lead really, and I was a little bit nervous about it. There was no back-up Martin to explain things to me! But we made it to Crystal Pool within an hour and enjoyed a snack in this beautiful place. I totally failed taking pictures that truly represent the... read more

Monday March 19th 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top) Members: Catherine Moody,  Hayley Clamp,  Toby Buxton

Catherine wrote...

I'd been pretty nervous about the OFD 3 traverses after what I'd heard about them from various people, but they're really not that bad at all - and that's coming from someone who's scared of traversing! Got to the streamway but it was too wet to carry on up to Smiths Armoury so we made an about turn. I'll be back... On the return we stopped for a snack; I discovered mid-mouthful that my cereal bar was mouldy. Unpleasant. I have been... read more

Monday March 19th 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top) - Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (Cwm Dwr) Members: Mark Sims
Monday March 19th 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top) Members: Chad B,  Matthew Chubb,  Steven Spall
Monday March 19th 2012 Little Neath River Cave Members: Alyssa Scott,  Andrew Gilmartin,  Matthijs Bouwman
Sunday March 18th 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1 Members: Adam Walmsley,  Alexander Stelfox,  Alyssa Scott,  Henry Bird,  Mark Sims,  Toby Buxton
Sunday March 18th 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1 - Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (Cwm Dwr) Members: Adam Walmsley,  Mark Sims
Sunday March 18th 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top) Members: Adam Walmsley,  Caitlin Brumby,  Mark Sims
Sunday March 18th 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top) - Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (Cwm Dwr) Members: Adrian Turner,  Jonathan Booth,  Phillip Mcdermott,  Thomas Chatterjee
Sunday March 18th 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1 Round trip Members: Andrew Gilmartin,  Laura Ward,  Matthijs Bouwman,  Sophie Hentschel,  Steven Spall
Saturday March 17th 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top) Bimble Members: Alyssa Scott,  Laura Ward,  Phillip Mcdermott,  Sophie Hentschel,  Steven Spall

Sophie wrote...

(not sure if I forgot somebody)

Saturday March 17th 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (Cwm Dwr) - Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top) Members: Andrew Gilmartin,  Caitlin Brumby,  Mark Sims,  Matthijs Bouwman
Saturday March 17th 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top) Members: Adrian Turner,  Hayley Clamp,  Jianing Yin,  Julia Stelfox,  Thomas Chatterjee,  Toby Buxton
Saturday March 17th 2012 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 2 (top) to Northern Lights Members: Adam Walmsley,  Alexander Stelfox,  Henry Bird,  Jonathan Booth
Saturday March 10th 2012 Notts Pot Members: Chad B,  Laura Ward,  Luke Brownbridge,  Steven Spall,  Toby Buxton
Sunday March 4th 2012 Rowten Pot Members: Chad B,  Henry Bird,  Mark Sims,  Toby Buxton