Trips & Reports 2022
Paulina wrote...
Scene: Thursday 1am, Millennium bridge Context: After playing cards at Viki’s house we all headed of to Rosie’s to sleep but decided to go on a post-midnight walk beforehand. Me: “Im not even tired, could we not just go to the Dales now?” Viki: (very eager) “Can we actually!!!?” Rosie: “I do kind of want to” Me: Oh don’t say that I really want to now” After this we started planning how to get food and fuel and who we could leave callout... read more
Rosie wrote...
Our Grey Wife adventure really started the night before, where at one am we found ourselves leaning over the slanted railings on Millennium Bridge and watching the reflection of the moon in the grey water. It wasn’t quite warm, but for the first time this year it wasn’t cold and everything felt very exciting and new. I am saying all this in an attempt to make sense of what happened next, which was that Paulina’s throwaway suggestion to just go... read more
Paulina wrote...
So new rift, the next phase in the very important Masongill event reconnaissance. Was I at all prepared for this trip? Of course not. Fortunately Rosie has appeared to memorise the entire description, and had packed the ropes and has printed of the topos. Much thanks. Anyway, the day started at an early 6am for me since I had to drive to York. One I did I grabbed Rosie, Viki and Ade. Stopped of at the store and set of for... read more
Rosie wrote...
Very exciting to be potholing again after Wales Week! This was the fourth proper “Masongill Event” trip since the project was coined, Marble Steps being the first, the Large Pot fiasco being the second, and Ireby Fell – Duke Street II the third. In the last of those trips we thought we had identified where the start of the Ireby Fell/Coates Cavern connection was (as well as the start of the Cripple Creek series), although the Large Pot had been... read more
Viki wrote...
"It's not chaos, it's organised disharmony" Our trip began in a shakehole, where behind a wooden fence was a very scenic rift, complete with moss and waterfalls. After a brief rest from the walk up in the sun, Paulina and Rosie began climbing down, followed shortly by myself, Ade of course picking this moment to begin an animated discussion about how loose the boulders right above me were. The first pitch was quite fun as you had to lower yourself through... read more