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Bar Pot & Camping in Sandy Cavern - 01 Jan 2007

Monday January 1st 2007

Members present: Chris Ward,  Chuck Holder,  Imogen Shepherd,  James Gregory,  Kevin Francis

Report by James Gregory

I thought that taking way too much stuff to put us in luxury at camp was part of the plan from the start? Also, there wasn't really much we could do about predicting when people would be coming out of the cave - people generally come out at any time between about 1pm and 11pm, so there was no way of going down at a time when people wouldn't be coming up, especially the notoriously busy Bar Pot. And I thought we didn't set an alarm on purpose, I had an alarm at least, and I thought maybe Chuck did too? Finally, wasn't the only reason cooking in the morning was a problem was because we got up so late?