Vesper Pot - 29 Jun 2008
Sunday June 29th 2008
Members present: Andrew Vick, Ellie Jones, Matt Gosling, Steve Gilbert
Like what Matt says, excellent trip. The entrance series is a lot tighter than I thought it would be, up there with Large Pot in terms of getting-stuckedness. Going through head first is worse, I think. First pitch was also pretty jammed, oh the benefits of being little!Just as the guide-book says, the final two pitches have loose stuff, all of which would fall pretty much in the line of the rigging, and the rubble pile at the bottom is a 45 degree slope of loosely stacked rocks ready to avalanche. amazing place, though, especially when we were all down there shining the lights around. It was raining when we went down, but the cave really didn't show much signs of it.
NB I think the rigging has changed from the guide book, probably with the newish hangers, and the second pitch needs more than the suggested 35m rope. Our 39 only just reached!