Recent reports

Bar Pot - 16 Jan 2005

Sunday January 16th 2005

Members present: Dominic Galliano,  Holly Read,  Nicola Gover,  Regan Early

Report by Holly Read

Once again the cavers of York graced the most wonderful place that is mud hall - a paradise of beauty and harmony in the middle of lots of rock. Slightly (ok very) upset that my Octopus had vanished but I made a landrover instead. It does look more like a splodge but a lot of love went into it all the same.
<br>Dom's "rock of gibralter" (doorstop) survived the test of time though, obviously cavers appreciate his "art".
<br>Nikki made an awesome bat + Regan made an equally awesome butterfly.
<br>Oh yeah we did a bit of caving as well, managed to see GG with blue sky at the top which was good! :o)