Recent reports

County Pot - 10 Dec 2006

Sunday December 10th 2006

Members present: Chris Ward,  Chuck Holder,  James Gregory,  Peter Scowcroft

Report by James Gregory

Somehow the cave finding strategy of "walk up Easegill valley and go down the first entrance you see with a lid on it" worked. We had been underground 10 minutes by the time I was convinced that we were actually in the right cave, but Chuck was convinced we had got the right one within about 30 seconds as it matched the description so closely - it was "tall and winding".

A fairly efficient trip followed until the very last line of the description - "climb up lots of large boulders to a ladder leading to the Lancaster connection". We climbed up lots of boulders but never found any ladders. We did however find a big chamber whose roof was covered in bright white stalactites, which was probably more interesting than the ladder anyway.