Trips & Reports
Chad wrote...
Thankfully George spotted a sign for this cave otherwise I think that we would have driven down the forest tracks for ever more without success. What an entrance, Jama Na Meji looked tiny in comparison; this was a giant abyss deep in the forest. It was certainly a very imposing place to be, just looking over the fencing got the butterflies going. Another handy tree provided the initial rigging point. Ade was on hand to produce the best rigging that... read more
Luke wrote...
(AKA Owl Cave) Small cave with 30m pitch into a large chamber with a smalller chambre at the bottom of the scree slope. The rigging is from a combination of spits and trees at the surfce to a 2 rebelays above the rock bridge (one near the top). There is quite alot of loose scree/ telegraph pole size tree debris (edit: not anymore). Its alright for an afternon cave but not the best on the cave walk.
Chad wrote...
As fantastic as this cave was, the second leader lead trip – with 12 people! After two long trips in as many days and a late night I felt quite off during the first half of the trip. Although it was quite clear that the guide had a heavy night as well lol! All of a sudden on the way back I seem to perk up thankfully and could appreciate fully the absolutely ridiculous amount of calcite formations. I’m sure... read more
Chad wrote...
After getting all my gear clean from Logarcek it was rather typical that I would yet again get caked in mud, was seeing the rather uninspiring sum at the end worth it? mmm! A cave however very similar to Logarcek, unlike the previous day I feel like we scratched the surface of this cave despite spending a long time underground. Another cave I got to rig! Rather annoying I was using a 23 m rope to rig a 3 m... read more
Matt wrote...
“Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind, through the rain and through the shine. Only something with a meaning can stand the test of time” - Ian Brown Planinska Jama has an impressive 100 meter high entrance arch through which flows the River Unica. Remnants of an old water mill add further character to this unique venue. Five hundred meters in, the cave splits into two paths at the confluence between the rivers Pivka and Rak that form the Unica. Our... read more
Chad wrote...
One of the longest but best caving trips of the holiday. A really fun cave to rig as well, there was plenty of spits to choose from at the top, I went for three points of protection off the slab at the top. Spotted Mark’s first spit from the day before. Went down to a re-belay and then abed to the bottom, on the way down, I spotted a rusty thread with a nut on and thought ‘mmm deviation?’ At... read more
Matt wrote...
This was the longest dry cave that I did whilst in Slovenia. The poor description in the cave book meant that it took us a quite a while to find, the entrance hole is much smaller than the measurements mentioned in the guide. The entrance pitch leads over the edge to a well positioned rebelay with a convenient ledge. Chad rigged the rebelay and abseiled straight down to the floor of the pitch but called back to say he was... read more
Alastair wrote...
lots and lots of formations in this show cave + train
Alastair wrote...
apparently the biggest streamway passage in europe, brill trip well worth doing after postjana jama
Chad wrote...
I was lucky enough to get chosen for the leader lead showcave, and what a treat it was. In truth quite an easy jaunt on a boat enjoying the view! Kalvarija was simply stunning, this was only the second day in Slovenia and it certainly felt like I had seen the best flow stones, chambers, proteus and other cave wild life there was on offer. I was quite amusing when the guide pointed out ‘the Pirate Ship’ as Matt thought... read more
Chad wrote...
After we returned from Krizna Jama, Tom, Matt and I were still up for some more caving, so we decided on Jama Za Teglovko. This was my first opportunity for some rigging of the holiday. The cave entrance is actually right next to the cave trail, next to a tree. A tensionless hitch was called upon here, wasn’t it convenient that we got taught how to rig this last term by Jim Lister. The choice then was a rebelay of... read more
Alastair wrote...
owl cave as it became known despite the lack of said owl who must have died somewhere imbetween when the guide was made 10years ago and 2009. amazing flowstone you can walk all the way around in the antechamber, and a few bones put on rocks in the main chamber, good second day trip.
Chad wrote...
We had hoped to do both this and Logarcek, having been the first team to leave Specleocamp hopes were high. However we were probably not well prepared in the map department with only having a drawing that showed our path to the cave and non others adjacent to this. We soon left the cave trail (although we were not actually sure at this stage what the symbol of circles / triangles meant). As it happened we stumbled on the team... read more
Matt wrote...
In terms of understated presence and beauty, the main chamber of this cave was one of the most fantastic and spiritual places I have ever had the privilege to stand. This cave is not brash, overt or in your face, yet it sums up something subtle in human nature that has been forgotten in these times of excess and competitive wrangling. Upon reflection I saw this in Franck’s face when I first asked him about it “ah the owl cave…”... read more
8 photos by Matt...
Mark wrote...
Never has a guide book been so wrong. "Well worth a visit"? Not if it's the last cave on earth! The entrance is small slot between a tree and a boulder which proved to be virtually impossibly to rig sensibly and impossible to rig without plenty of rope rub. Andy went down first without bothering to change, just to see what was there and after seeing a spit, decided to come back up to change into gear. It was at this... read more